The bible verse of the day/A special anointing

Our bible verse of the day is one of the favorite bible verse of many believer and it was one of the inspirational bible verse of our lord Jesus Christ.We are talking of the book of Mathew 10:8"Heal the sick ,cleanse the lepers, raise the dead , cast out devils freely you have received , freely give.Then the next question that comes to mind is do have the power to do this ?Then the next question is can i?Now we want to Endeavour to answer the question by looking at what does the bible say in this area and that takes us to our bible study on the special anointing.

 The anointing:-When you hear the word of God ,it ought to impart faith to your spirit and bring an anointing for you to function with.You must realize that the measure of the anointing that you receive is the measure you can give, you can never give more than what you have .What you need to fulfilled the scripture of our bible verse of the day is function under the influence of a special anointing which comes from the words of God you have meditated upon.You need to be aware that every words of God carries a special anointing that makes you what it talks about and for you to do what it said you can do.

What does bible say about Jesus glorious anointing:-When Jesus went to Nazareth, they couldn't receive from his anointing ,the bible said he marveled because of  their unbelief  .Jesus the son of God was there with all his glorious anointing and the power of God .He had all authority over hell and the demons and yet when he ministered to them in Nazareth they couldn't receive ,only a few people with very light ailment received the anointing and got healed.

Expectation of our bible verse of the day:-The bib le verse of the day expected you to have received the heavy dose of the anointing from your previous bible study and fellowships, why ? because what you don't have you can't give. You can use the opportunity to build up your yourself so as meet the required standard God has designed for you.

Receive the special anointing:-At this point in time ,I'm asking God to help you receive the anointing with which to bless your family ,loved ones and minister in the whole world as a whole.That anointing is present even now as you are reading this article,receive it now in Jesus name.As you receive this special anointing by faith give the lord the praises, because there's celebration going on the realm of the spirit .And when the opportunity comes for you to minister to your family ,friends and loved ones don't shy away from it.Rise up to the occasion and a special anointing will be released for you to minister in the power of the holy spirit.

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