What percentage of Christians tithe?The few ones that are considering the issue always ask the question are Christians required to tithe?All and many more questions all because there has never being a proper understanding of the issue of tithes and offerings. You must have done series of bible study on this subject of tithe as a new testament Christian ,wondering if a Christians should be paying tithe.We are going to consider the major bible verse by subject tithe in order to answer the question "should Christian pay tithe".The origin of tithe cannot be overlook because this shows that tithe has been in existence before the introduction of the law of Moses and considering what Jesus said about tithe ,we are able to have enough information to work with.If you care to know more about the origin of tithe and what does Jesus say about tithe you can read our previous article Bible exposition on tithe..
Now kindly follow me steadily as we would begin to reveal the mystery behind the issue of paying tithe for Christians. The bible verse on tithe that we will be considering on this teaching is Mal 3:8-10.Considering this bible verse ,why then then should a Christian pay tithe?Tithe is the only earthly giving that answers in heaven,your offering answers here in the earth.Tithes have heavenly transaction links which guarantees you the opening of the windows of heaven. When your tithes answers and your harvest is due , heaven open unto you by itself.
If you can do a bible verse lookup on mal 10:8 you will notice that offering was not mentioned there ;This is because it is your tithe that bring you under the covenant of blessing ,any other offering you give is according to how God has blessed you but tithe is 10 percent of your profit.And when you stand by the covenant God stands by you to fulfill it.
Considering our bible verse [mal10:8] God has committed himself to rebuke the devourer for the sake of the tither.The devourer is no one else but the devil himself.How pleasant will it be for the almighty himself to take it upon himself to place an embargo on Satan purposefully because of you.When Satan is disallow in the premises of your life then you begin to enjoy an heavenly life on an earthly realm.
Despite all these reasons ,a-lot of Christians attribute tithe to old testament ,which is not true.Tithe is like faith that has been in existence before the law of mosses and transcend to the dispensation of grace.As a new creature under grace , your tithe is your covenant duty that makes your life full of God's blessing.When tithing becomes your practice life will give you it's best.Conclusively, you need the window of heaven to permanently opened upon you,your covenant with God is sure if you take care of your side of the covenant ,God is a covenant keeping GOD and lastly take a cover from the devourer by paying your tithe regularly .The devourer will be far from you like the east is far from the west.[amen]
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