Receiving answers to prayer surpose to be automatic but we need to put so many things into consideration,since God's side is secured but human sides varies from one individual to the other.Exposition on 7 secrets of answered prayer will give detail explanation with some bible verses on what does bible says about answered prayers.

Exposition on your lifestyle as regards answered prayer.The bible verse that wil show us the light is
Rom 6:1-2 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
When you accepted jesus as your lord and salvour you became a new creation, creation that has never existed before ,you were born with the nature of God your father.God is holy in nature you partook of the nature of God and that is why one bible verse said " we are partakers of the divine nature".Then what does bible say about your attitude to sin , the bible verse we are treating said you are dead to sin,you are inactive to sin, sin of any kind is contrary to your nature.Exposition on your lifestyle as a child of God will determine wether your prayers will be answerwed or not.
We can not remain in sin or continue in sin and think the grace of God upon our life increase, the grace of God in ones life is what makes all the unmeritted blessings of God to be vissible in once life.
The first exposition to answered prayer as far what does bible says is concerned is to abstain from sinful lifestyle so that grace of God in your life can abound according to the bible verse that we are using for this teaching.
You can check back next week for the remaining six exposition.Thanks and God bless you.


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