1 John 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
Sometimes,we hear people say that christanity is one of the great religions of the world.As a result , they refer to one who is a christian as a religious person .But christianity is not a religion ;there is absolute nothing religious about christianity .True christianity ,first is the revelation of eternal life. True christianity means that an eternal God has taken up his abode in the quarters of a man's spirit.
True christianity is not a way of worship ,nor is it a way of serving God . It is the life of God in a human person.It is a living relationship with a living God .When you 're in relationship with someone ,that's not religion !Someone once said ,"I want to become religious ,so i think i should become a christian !"No. That's an out-and -out misnomer and a complete misunderstanding of who a christian is .A christian is one who is indwelt by divinity .
When you become a christian , it means eternal life has been imparted into your spirit .It means you've embraced the grace ,glory ,and the power of God ,that dispel darkness ,sickness ,disease,poverty ,failure ,and everything the devil brings .It means you've become a God-carrying vessel.No wonder the bible says christians are the temple of the living God (2corinthians 6:16),and only those who are born again are truly christians(john3:37).
So when you say you're a christian ,it means God has fully tabernacle in you ! you 've become his living headquarters;He looks through your eyes and walk with your legs ,because you've become his vessel.You've become the one in whom God dwells; that's true christianity :God Almighty taking up his abode in the quarters of your heart and imparting to your human spirit his eternal life and divine nature.Tell your friend about this blog and have a look at the following recommended items for your growth.
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole BibleNelson's Quick Reference Chapter-by-Chapter Bible Commentary: Nelson's Quick Reference SeriesHolman Illustrated Bible DictionaryHolman Illustrated Bible DictionaryZondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary


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