The whole world has been expecting a superman .The first superman came as a root out of dry ground.No one recognized him . No one knew that God was manifested in the flesh .They didn’t know that the logos(word) of God who had been with God ,and who was God ,was with them .They didn’t know that the quiet child who was growing up was the one of whom it was said that all things were made through him and without him was not anything made that has been  made ; and that in him was life (Zoe) and that that life was the light of men
          The world has not known that there is a superman in their midst today.They don’t know that every  new  creation is a superman in the embryo ,that all that embryo needs is to know what it is ,  what it can do ,what  the father has empowered it to be and to do in the world .
          Hebrew 2:14 tells us what the first superman did to Satan : “since then the children are sharers in  flesh and blood ,he also himself in the like manner partook of the same ;that through death he might bring to naught him that had the power of death ,that is the devil’’.
              Hebrew 9:12  “Nor yet through the blood of goats and calves ,but through his own blood entered in once for all into the holy place , having obtained eternal redemption (or an eternal defeat of Satan)”.
They haven’t noticed Revelation 1 :18 “Fear not ; I am the first and the last ,and the living one ; and I was dead ,and behold ,I am alive for evermore ,and I have the keys of death and of hades”.
          That is the message from satan’s conqueror.
          1 John 4:17: Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
As he is a superman at the right hand of the father so are we the superman on this planet earth .The world cannot know us because they did not know him.we must begin to see our self as God is seeing us , whatever we face  he knows we are capable of handling it as a superman.We are more than conqueror as a superman ,failure is not consistence with us ,sickness is not in our nature ,and we can't be poor as a superman.No wonder the bible says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.Tell yourself that you are a superman and that it is who you are either you feel so or not, God can never lie,your feeling is irrelevant compare to what God has said. Keep enjoying your self in Christ ,kindly tell a friend about this blog site.Expecting you next time thank you and God bless.
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