Every true child of God should yearn and desire to grow in the lord, that should be the driving force in every child of God ,this blog was design to give you that knowledge ,growth, development and so much more that you need .
2cor 5:17Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
When someone becomes a christian he is a new brand of person inside .He is not the same any more .A new life has begun.
If any man be in Christ is a any type of being ,a new species ,this species as never existed before is completely new to the world of humanity . It is not only referring to a new type of life that has just begun but also to newness in type .The new creation is a new type of man that belong to a new race . He is not just a fresh breed or a fresh one of the same kind ,rather he is one of a kind that never existed before.
Jesus is the head of this new type of man from this new race .He is the head of the body , the church . This new type of man is superior to Satan
he is not black or white is a super man.
This new man doesn't have problem with sin because he has the power to choose not to sin and he won't ,why ? because sin does not have dominion over him.
The day you gave your life to Jesus that day you became a new creature ,you are not going to be when you get to heaven, you are already .You are not the one that turned new leaf but you are completely new with the nature of god & the ability of god in you .The life of god is in you , so what it is not consisted with god is not allowed in your life ,so in case you notice something that it is not coming from god you have every right to resist it and cast it a way from you .Sickness , poverty , failure is not consistent with your nature as a child of god.
Dear reader I'm happy to let you know that as a new creature you are no longer what your mother gave birth to or what your father used to know , you are a new creation that has never existed before.you don't have a past as far as god is concern ,your life started the day you made Jesus your lord & savior .You are a new man ,you have a new life that is different from the life you used to have before .Belief in this and begin to walk in the consciousness of this and your life will never remain the same.
In case you have not giving your life to Jesus this is the time for you to take the step so that you can start enjoying the blessing of being a new creature
pray this prayer lord Jesus i belief you died for me and you rose up for my justification the third day , I'm confessing you as my lord & savior today .thank you Jesus,I'm born again today .
congratulation all that you need is to be identified with a church and keep growing and tell your friend about this blog keep visiting this blog for articles that will enhance your growth.


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